Monday, October 20, 2008

Next stop Miami.

Off to Miami tomorrow for 10 days of shooting.
I will try and post when I am down there.

Where did Tat's Tattoo's go!!!!!!!

When I was shooting on the SS JEREMAIH O'BRIEN recently. (see post below).
I met a gentlemen that worked there who is in his 70's and is covered head to toe  in tattoo's.
I asked him if he would sit for me for a TinType session. 
Well it was pretty crazy as we started to develop the first few plates you could not help but notice that all his tattoo's disappeared when shooting only with the Tin's.
I discovered that then plates are sensitive to blue & did pick up the blue ink on his Tat's.
He was even more shocked as he had not seen himself without tattoo's for some years.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Letter From Client.

Its very nice to get one of these.