Sunday, February 15, 2009

UGCX Conference.

I spent Monday & Tuesday of last week down in San Jose at a User Generated Content Conference it was put on by these people. Some of the Microstock companies were there like iStockphoto & Fotolia as well as some rights managed stock companies like Jupiter Images who represent me.

I have made a several thousands of $$$ in the past from my images being licensed & still continue to get royalty checks in the mail a few times a year.
It seems with the growth of microstock industry & the current economic climate the RM sales have slowed down.

As most assignment photographers including myself would never think of submitting images to microstock to sell for a $1 or less there are hundreds of thousands photographers around the world making a living form this industry.

Our whole world & industry is changing rapidly on a daily basis & rather than turn our backs on theses things its important to embrace change & see where we fit in and can profit from such things. 

Everything can have its place.

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